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A Taste of Scandinavia in our own Tigard backyard

Scandinavia restaurant

Nordic Northwest Cultural Center (Nordia House)

The Nordic Northwest is a non-profit organization focusing on the five Nordic nations of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden (Scandinavia). The cultural center at 8800 SW Oleson Road, Portland, OR, 97223 (Tigard) is a venue for regular Nordic-related events and music, a museum, and the Broder Soder restaurant.

Various ongoing regular events at the Nordia house include topics such as the Nordic knitting circle, Nordic coffee hour,  and Nordic language conversation groups and their one-off events include activities such as Forest Bathing (Friluftsliv), a Nordic spring concert, and the joys of traveling to Norway. The museum holds regular exhibitions and the Broder Soder restaurant serves Nordic fare.

We were there for breakfast and had some yummy mimosas followed by a baked egg dish and Danish pancakes. Both were delicious. The Broder Soder restaurant does not take reservations and is open 7 days a week from 9am to 3pm.

The grounds of the Nordia House make for a pleasant stroll and the grassy areas are where outside events and concerts are held.

Adjacent to the Nordia House is Fogelbo, a historic log house constructed by a Swedish couple between 1938 and 1940. The home is periodically open for tours and details can be found at:

scandinavia eggs
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If you are looking for something different and an opportunity for cultural immersion as well as delicious food, this is a great place to visit.

Tigard Real Estate

Jen Samaha

Jen Samaha

I’m a Real Estate agent with a passion and curiosity for discovering more and more about the different neighborhoods on the Portland Westside. I can help you buy or sell your next home and I'll support you with experience and integrity.


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